Friday, November 16, 2012

False alarm

So last night was pretty eventful! Jordan and I were trying a few things to get me to go into labor... and all of a sudden we totally thought my water broke!! I called Amy (because she knows everything and always has the best advice) and she said to wait an hour and see if my contractions got more intense and then go to the hospital. So we tried to wait a bit but we were so anxious and we wanted to find out if it was really my water that broke!

So we packed our bags and drove to the hospital :] This was around midnight. Luckily it is only like 3 minutes away from our house! We got all checked in and the nurse came in to check me and see if it my water broke. I was pretty dang excited waiting for her to come in :]

So our nurse came in and she had a test strip to see if there was amniotic fluid in me. Unfortunately there wasn't any :[ She checked my cervix and I was still only 80% effaced and dilated to a 1. I was seriously so bummed. Since I was having contractions still, she told us we needed to stay for an hour so she could monitor me just in case I progressed. Needless to say we were not too excited and we were getting tired...

We stayed for the hour and she checked me again. Nope, no progression. We went home a little disappointed and extremely tired around 1:30. I've continued to have contractions all day, but they aren't consistent or regular at all :/ Hopefully things will start to progress more soon!! 

I went to water aerobics today probably for the last time and it felt so good! It is amazing to have the weight of my belly taken off for like an hour in the water. I would definitely recommend water aerobics during pregnancy for any who are considering it :] BEST FEELING EVER!


  1. Ah I was hoping you had your baby! I wish I could've gone to water aerobics to see you before you have the baby. I'll just stalk you from here now :)

  2. So glad to hear that Brady finally came safe and sound! He looks adorable! Congrats to the both of you!! Love your blog page!
